Tue, 2020-06-02

Dear Mum, these are the things I never said but I wish you knew

Sometimes, all it takes for her to feel loved are sincere words of appreciation.

Mother’s Day is coming and usually we rely on flowers, gifts and celebrations to express love for the queens of hearts. However, things are different this year with the circuit breaker. Why not show these amazing women we call Mum how much we appreciate them not with physical gifts, but with love in its rawest form instead?

If you’re unsure of how to put all that gratitude and appreciation into words, here’s how:

1.You are my biggest inspiration.

I grew up observing and admiring everything you did. You are the strongest, kindest,
most compassionate person I know and I can only hope I become half the person you

2. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me over the years.

There’s so much you’ve done for me that I can’t possibly list down. I am beyond grateful
that it helped me grow to be who I am today.

3. I feel lucky to have you even though you annoy me with your nagging.

You are my biggest critic, and you may drive me crazy sometimes, but I know it comes
from a deep place of love. Thank you for tirelessly reminding me to be the best version
of myself.

4. Thank you for believing in me when no one else did.

I had a lot of ambitions growing up. I wanted to be a doctor, a singer, a teacher, a
vet - almost any career you can think of. I laugh when I think about it now, but I’m
thankful you always pushed me to do what I wanted to do. It taught me that no dream of
mine is ever too silly to achieve.

5. I’m sorry for how I treated you when I was younger.

The teen phase was confusing for me, but I can only imagine it was much worse for you
having to figure out what I was thinking or feeling. I’m sorry for all the times I acted up in
rebellion. I dislike that version of me too.

6. I don’t know how I’ll live without you.

I may be all grown up, but I still look for you when I wake up in the middle of the night
feeling sick. You’re the only one who can make it all better. 

7. I will always be here for you.

You’ve had my back since the very beginning. When I fell, you were there to pick me
back up. I’m here to be that same person for you too. 

8. If every mum lined up in front of me and I had to pick one, I’d still choose you.

They could tell me that the coolest mum is in front of me and I still wouldn’t trade you for anyone else. You’re the best mum in my eyes.

9. Thank you for being so patient with me.

There were too many instances where you could’ve just packed up and left, yet you’re
always there to forgive me after every argument we’ve had. I don’t know how you put up
with my antics, but I’m so grateful you do.

10. Thank you for prioritising my future and doing what’s best for me.

I know some choices were hard to make. You had to sacrifice your own needs and aspirations just for me, but you never once complained about it. Thank you for loving me so wholeheartedly. 

11. I’m sorry for all the times I’ve made you doubt your parenting.

I’ve made some bad decisions, but you should know that they were never your fault. I’m sorry for disappointing you when I chose to follow the wrong crowd.

12. You don’t have to put up a strong front everytime.

I guess there’s a weird obligation in you to do so since you don’t want me to worry. But it’s okay to have those moments, I won’t judge you. I’ll always have your back, like you do mine.

13. I love you.

Even though I don’t say it as much as I should.

Which of the above describes what you want to tell your Mum the most? Share this on your profile and tag her so she knows!  💗